High-risk drug alert: Methamphetamine found in counterfeit diet pill

The Know community have published a warning to ACT consumers about the potential for methamphetamine-containing weight-loss medication, Duromine 40. The original update, first published via CanTEST, can be found below:
An orange and grey gel capsule with ‘DUROMINE 40’ printed on each half, containing a white and brown powder expected to contain Duromine (phentermine). The capsule was obtained online by the service user and was found to contain methamphetamine and no phentermine or other active ingredients.
What does this mean? Due to the close relationship between methamphetamine, phentermine and amphetamine, specialised testing techniques were employed by chemists at CanTEST to verify the substance tested as meth. Methamphetamine is an unregulated stimulant that can have stronger stimulant effects than phentermine (Duromine). Phentermine is a related substance with milder stimulating properties and is prescribed to help reduce appetite in the treatment of obesity.
There is an increased likelihood of stimulant overdose from counterfeit Duromine purchased online from an unregulated source.
Effects and signs of overdose
Can include signs of toxicity, including confusion, severe agitation and overheating. Seizures or fits and irregular heart rhythm can also be signs of stimulant overdose, as well as cardiac episodes including heart attack/chest pain.
Reducing the harm
Test your stuff! CanTEST is a free service that anyone can access anonymously. You may or may not identify as a person who uses drugs, but as this community notice demonstrates, when you purchase any substance from unregulated online marketplaces, there’s no guarantee you are getting what is advertised. Come and see us at CanTEST for testing in CBR.
Start low & go slow. Experiencing adverse or unexpected effects? Don’t take more. Take half or less and ask a trusted person to check on you.
Carry Naloxone. It’s free from CanTEST and participating pharmacies. Naloxone can reverse an opioid overdose in the event of an emergency.
Know the signs. Call an ambulance (000) immediately if you see warning signs of unexpected reactions to
If you have questions or would like to talk to someone about alcohol and other drugs, check out our help services page.
Source: The Know Network