Writing a behaviour contract

Writing a behaviour contract


Now that you have made some choices about your substance use and what you want to do about it you can write yourself a contract.


This will help to remind you exactly what you have decided to do.

Example A:

I will stop using cannabis on date.

Example B:

I will cut down my cannabis use to no more than one cone per fortnight starting from date.

Remember when setting goals, to be effective they should be SMART

• Specific
• Measurable
• Attainable
• Realistic
• Time bound

Choosing SMART goals will help you achieve your goals more effectively.

Now its your turn. Click the worksheet below to fill out a behavioural contract with yourself:


Now that you know how to write a behavioural contract, here are some related sheets that you might also find useful:

How to cope with cravings
How to be assertive
How to stick to your targets
How to prepare for and respond to a slip
How to manage a slip
How to practice mindfulness