Managing a slip

Managing a slip


If your substance use is getting out of control again, or you feel you need support, it is important that you get help.

If you see every step back as failure you will become disheartened and you might deal with the bad feelings or guilt by giving up on your efforts and going back to using heavily again. The trick is not to let any extra
substance use continue. Get back to those targets.

Now that you have temporarily lapsed, take a moment to review what happened. Was this a high-risk situation that should be on your list? Use this as a learning opportunity – what have you learned from your experience – what could you do to avoid it happening again?

Think of new ways to cope by checking out the page on handling high-risk situations.

While straying from your substance us guidelines can increase risk and be challenging, it is not the end of the world.

Speak to your supporter, your primary health care worker, a friend or a specialist alcohol and other drug service.

Look again at some information on setting a goal. Is this the best goal for you? Talk it over with your supporter or a primary care worker.

Above all, be honest with yourself.


Now that you have learned how to manage a slip, here are some related sheets that you might also find useful:

How to cope with cravings
How to challenge unhelpful thoughts
How to be assertive
How to handle high-risk situations
How to practice mindfulness